LTTR #5 - Positively Nasty

LTTR V is spiral bound like a calendar, a formal suggestion to readers to flip through and display a different piece each day or month. Bound in is also a vinyl pouch of artist multiples: ‘the bloody string’ a clay ring on leather string by Anna Sew-Hoy, a poster by The Third Leg, two copies of Zoe Leonard’s “I want a president" postcard, a photocopied and hand colored artist book by Edie Fake, and a pamphlet featuring Eqbal Ahmad’s text compiled by E. Roysdon.
Contributors: Alvin Baltrop, Amber Ibarreche, Anna Sew-Hoy, Anne Hall, Bruce Wiest, Celeste Dupuy-Spencer, Deb Shoval, Donnie & Travis, Edie Fake, Emily Roysdon, Erika Earl, Fereshteh Toosi, GB Jones, Guadalupe Rosales, James Tsang, Jeanine Oleson, Kate Huh, Leander Djønne, Liz Flyntz, Mariev Robitaille, R.H. Quaytman, Ridykeulous, Shannon Ebner, Shelley Marlow, Silas Howard, Tania Hammidi, The Third Leg, Ulrike Müller, Zackary Drucker, and Zoe Leonard. Published in cooperation with Capricious Magazine. Editors: G. Brooks Takahashi, K. Hardy, U. Mueller, and E. Roysdon. Book design by A.K. Burns with LTTR.